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Friargate is a major development adjacent to Coventry Railway Station. Covering a 37 acre site the
development includes offices, two hotels, new homes, shops, restaurants and bars. It also includes a new pedestrian route into the city centre and improvements to Greyfriars Green. The council feels that Friargate will provide a more fitting welcome to Coventry for people arriving in the city by train, through a series of new pedestrianised streets and boulevards. In total there will be 25 new building built to high standards of sustainability and energy efficiency. There will be a new public square in front of the railway station.

The development’s high-quality office buildings will feature restaurants and shops at ground level, with frontages on to Warwick Road and a new public square created in front of the train station.

The proposed residential dwellings will be located within quieter areas of the site, particularly around Grosvenor Road and Manor Road.

As of November 2022 the construction of the first building, a new replacement office block for the Council, is complete and occupied. The second office building is nearing completion and planning permission has been granted for a hotel. A new building has been completed to expand the railway station, whilst protecting the existing listed station buildings. A new bus turnabout has been constructed with access to the station under Warwick Road. The “landscaped bridge” to the city centre is complete.

Photos courtesy of the Friargate website.