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War Memorials at Coventry Clubs and Organisations
Allesley Parish Rooms
Dedicated to: The people of the village who served in the war and the 23 who died.
History: This is a memorial window accompanied by an oak honours board with the names of over 100 parishioners of the village who served in the Great War and a list in gold lettering of the 23 who died. It
was unveiled in December 1920 by the Reverend Perrott. An extension to the parish rooms was opened at the same time as a memorial to the War.
In the Spring of 2015 the condition of the window was reported as being rotten and in need of replacement and the Hall Committee has since raised the funds to replace the window. The photograph below shows the replacement
window, which was re-dedicated in May 2015.
Current location: Allesley Village Hall.
Barras Green Working Men’s Club
History: There was a First World War stone memorial in the orginal Barras Green Club and Institute, which has since been demolished to make way for a new club. The detailed history of what happened to this
memorial is not known, but in June 2016 it was found in the rubble of a domestic garage in the Stoke area of the city. A plaque, commemorationg those who served and made the supreme sacrifice in both World Wars is located in the
current Barras Green Working Mens Club.
Dedicated to: The dedication on the original memorial is not complete or readable. The dedication on the most recent memorial is “
In honour of the members of this club who served during the wars and to the glorious memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice. “Their names liveth for evermore
Current Location:
The original First World War memorial is currently located in a pieces at a private residence, awaiting a decision as to its future. The more recent memorial is located at Barras Green Working Men’s Club.
Boys’ Brigade and Coventry Cadets
Dedicated to: The 300 members of the Boys’ Brigade and Second Coventry Cadet Battalion who served in the war.
History: This was a decorated scroll in an oak frame in the Stevens Memorial Hall, part of the Ragged School on New Buildings. It was unveiled by the Mayor in January 1921.
Current location: We do not know what happened to this memorial. Can you help?
Coventry Law Society
Dedicated to: The articled clerks and clerks of the legal profession who served in the war and to the 15 who died.
History: This brass memorial was provided by the legal profession and was designed by GW Pridmore and Son. It was unveiled at the Police Court in the Council House by the Duke of York in June 1920.
Current location: The Magistrates’ Court.
Coventry Liberal Club
Dedicated to: The 150 members of the club who served in the war and to the five who died.
History: This was a brass plaque with an oak frame, positioned in the main entrance hall of the Liberal Club on Warwick Road. It was unveiled by Alderman Drinkwater, the President of the Club.
Current location: We do not know what happened to this memorial. Can you help?
Coventry Working Men’s Club
Dedicated to: The 255 members of the club who served in the war and the 17 who died.
History: This memorial was a scroll created by Mr E Kennard, Art Master at Rugby School. The scroll was in a gilt frame, inside an oak case. It was unveiled at the club on Cox Street by Colonel HJ Hutt of the
Royal Warwickshire Regiment in December 1921.
Current location: We do not know what happened to this memorial. Can you help?
Earlsdon Working Men’s Club (now Albany Club)
Dedicated to: The 80 men of the club who joined up and the five who died.
History: This wooden board was unveiled by the Mayor in 1920. The Earlsdon Working Men’s Club became the Albany Social Club in 1931.
Current location: The Albany Club, Earlsdon.
Independent Order of Oddfellows
Dedicated to: The 82 members of the Coventry District of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, who died in the war.
History: This was a brass tablet on the south wall of the Cathedral. It was unveiled by the Bishop of Coventry, accompanied by Colonel Wyley.
Current location: This memorial was probably destroyed when the Cathedral was bombed in the Second World War. Can you confirm this?
Vauxhall Club
Dedicated to: Members of the Vauxhall Club who served in the war.
Current location: The memorial is currently in safe storage at the nearby St. Elizabeth’s RC Church. Hopefully it will be incorporated into a new Church Centre that is planned.
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