Cabinet Member Pat Hetherton approved plans for a new cycleway along Allard Way this week.
The new route extends the network of off-road cycle routes linked to the Binley Cycleway.
Binley Cycleway is a 6km long segregated cycleway that will connect the City Centre with University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire once completed. It is a regional priority cycle route forming part of the Starley Network, the West Midlands’ network of planned walking and cycling routes.
The route is along Allard Way between Binley Road and Second Avenue, and includes improvement to the crossing at Second Avenue. This will connect Stoke Aldermoor and Ernesford Grange to the Binley Cycleway and the destinations along it.
There is an existing shared-use footway/cycleway from Second Avenue to Yew Close in Stoke Aldermoor, and to Ashdown Close in Ernesford Grange. This scheme fills in the missing link for safe cycling by connecting these two neighbourhoods to Binley Cycleway and therefore all destinations served by it.
The £550,000 scheme is fully funded from the Active Travel Fund with capital grants from the West Midlands Combined Authority and the Government.
The scheme is due to start in the late summer and mostly completed by the end of the year, although traffic signal work will be done during 2024, because of the long lead time for this type of work.