The City Council’s Cabinet has published its plans for the review of the local plans for the city and the production of new Supplementary Planning documents.

The Cabinet has approved a new Local Development Scheme. This is a legal requirement that sets out the council‘s project plan for its preparation of local plans and other policy documents.

The new LDS runs until December 2022 to cover the period leading up to the requirement to review the two Local Plans. The LDS will then be updated.

The LDS sets out the timetable and stages for reviewing Coventry Local Plan and the City Centre Area Action Plan. These have to be reviewed by 2022 and the process includes the following stages:

  • Review the adopted policies to consider whether they continue to comply with national policy;
  • Publish a revised Local Development Scheme;
  • Undertake an assessment of Brownfield Site capacity;
  • Produce an updated Annual Monitoring report and development trajectory to illustrate how current policy is performing against targets set out in the adopted plans;
  • Refresh the database of brownfield sites to assess whether there are any which need adding to the database;
  • Undertake initial scoping including updating key evidence to assess whether anything has changed which might mean policies and strategies need updating, including analysis of student accommodation demand and need;
  • Consider the emerging results of the most recent Census (2021) and implications of these;
  • In the light of the above, complete a review of the plan no later than November 2022 to determine whether policies need updating

The document also sets out the timetable for producing other supplementary planning documents. These are:

  • Open Space
  • Affordable Housing
  • Energy
  • Tall Buildings (city centre focus)
  • Biodiversity
  • Residential Design