Anyone who has visited Earlsdon recently will be fully aware that a number of properties on Earlsdon Street have stood empty for several or in some cases many months awaiting possible redevelopment, as shown on the right-hand side in the photograph below:

Against this background of apparent stasis, however, at some point shortly after Christmas one of these properties at 34 and 36 Earlsdon Street – formerly the site of the local NatWest branch, to the right of the similarly vacant butcher’s shop shown above – was subject to radical change, so much so that the original brick-built structures which had stood here for more than a century were completely demolished, as below:

The chief concern in relation to this unanticipated development arises from the fact that the land on which the property stood until a few days ago falls within the Earlsdon Conservation Area as set out in the Article 4 Directions listing at
More specifically, the online planning application portal at webpage shows that a decision notice was issued in respect of this property on 31st May 2022 concerning application reference number S73/2022/0757, which was submitted in order to change the building’s use from that of a bank to a retail outlet.
However, it would seem from the document trail associated with this application that no indication was given that the building in its entirety would be demolished, nor is there any evidence of any application having been lodged stating what might replace it.
Accordingly, it seems that this demolition has been carried out without permission and in flagrant disregard of Earlsdon’s Conservation Area status, a view which is widely shared to judge from posts made to a number of social media groups. In response to such postings and also representations made to Coventry City Councillors, a Stop Notice dated 1st January 2025 has been posted on the hoarding at the property making it a criminal offence for any further work to be carried out, which notice will remain in force until 25th February 2025 so as to allow the authorities time to determine how to proceed in this matter.