A talk about Coventry Cathedral’s glass and the ‘Broken Angel’ project
Long Itchington History Group
Wednesday October 9th at 7.30
Long Itchington Community Centre, Stockton Road. CV47 9QP.
Entrance £3.
Professor Michael Tooby introduces the stained and etched glass of Coventry Cathedral, and its importance to the Cathedral. He will describe the ‘Broken Angel’ project, 2020-23, for which he was advisory curator, where new art was made in response to the destruction of John Hutton’s ‘The Angel of The Eternal Gospel’ in the West Screen. Exploring the relationship between the old and new Cathedral, and different eras of the Cathedral’s windows, he will share thoughts about the role of glass and light in our experience of both.
Mike will bring along some items to do with the opening of the Cathedral in 1962, and will welcome anyone bringing their own memorabilia to share.
Mike Tooby lives in Cardiff and is Professor of Curatorial Practice at Bath School of Art, Bath Spa University.
www.longitchingtonhistory.org.uk. Email: [email protected]