City councillors received an update on progress with the Very Light Rail programme last week. Here are the main points.
The Track
Testing of the revolutionary track design has taken place in three stages. In July 2022 a 15 metre length of track was installed at the University of Warwick. This provided the opportunity to carry out the first full-scale and detail installation of the system. A variety of configurations and materials were trialed to help optimise design.
In February 2023 a 36 metre length of track was installed at Whitley Depot. This has been used to test the resilience of the track when being driven over by heavy vehicles. Over the past 18 months, the system has been measuring the impact of every road-going vehicle and lorry travelling over the track, with over a million vehicle axles now having passed over the track. It was also demonstrated that the track was simple and cheap to install and could be done by the Council’s own Direct Labour organisation.
In August 2023 60 metres of track was installed at the Very Light Rail National Innovation Centre (VLRNIC) in Dudley. This was to test the performance of the VLR vehicle and track together. The test track was designed to include the tightest curves and slopes to demonstrate that the system would work in tight urban environments. The set-up included instrumentation to test noise, vibration and movement of the track.
The data gathered from the three test sites indicates that the track has performed well and could potentially be used to support heavier rail systems.
Consequently, Transport for West Midlands has identified funding to carry out further R&D to develop the trackform and assess its potential for use by other Light Rail systems.
If this proves successful it could revolutionise the development of traditional tram systems and would open up other markets for the track, such as the extension of the Midlands Metro and tram systems in London and West Yorkshire.
As the City Council owns the Intellectual Property Rights for some of this technology, it could be a money earner for the council and the city.
The Vehicles
The prototype vehicle has been the subject of significant testing at VLNRIC since it was produced in May 2022. During March and April 2024, the Council, together with the team from VLRNIC, hosted several events to showcase the CVLR system and the VLRNIC to key Stakeholders and politicians. Rides on the vehicle were undertaken with 30 dignitaries.
It has completed approximately 400km km of performance testing and has completed 2000 laps of the 15 m radius loop specifically built to replicate the type of tight corner that can be expected within historic city centres such as Coventry.
Following the testing, components from the vehicle, such as the brakes and bogies, have been removed and analysis is underway to understand how components have performed under robust testing.
The findings of all this research, with recommendations for design changes, will be presented to Cabinet in the Autumn.
Next Steps
The next part of the project is the installation of the City Centre Demonstrator Route. Preparation for this has started in 2022 with the development of a City Centre Traffic Management Plan. This is currently being implemented with the introduction of bus gates, amendments to the restricted parking zone and the introduction of a Red Route. Some of this is currently out to public consultation. There has already been consultation on the introduction of a segregated cycle path between Pool Meadow and Queen Victoria Road. An improved route across Greyfriars Green is already under construction.
The City Centre Demonstrator route will be constructed from the Rail Station to the former Ikea building in 2 phases, with a short section on Greyfriars and Queen Victoria Road programmed for construction in early 2025. Planning approval for the route has been applied for, with Cabinet approval being sought in Autumn 2024.
Once these approvals are in place Coventry can enter into a contract to construct the City Centre Demonstrator. The tender process is underway, the outcome of which will be presented to Cabinet for consideration in Autumn 2024.