Our friends at the Arts Society Coventry have an interesting talk about the Age of Jazz, from its beginnings through to the outbreak of the Second World War.

The Age of Jazz – A lecture by Sandy Burnett
Tuesday 28 May 2024
7pm (Doors open at 6.30pm) Barr’s Hill School Theatre, Radford Road, Coventry
Jazz is one of music’s most important genres: a fascinating blend of rigorous structure, free-wheeling creativity, close-knit ensembles and imaginative improvisation. Drawing on his experience both as musicologist and gigging musician, Sandy can shed light on jazz from the inside. His talk covers the early years of jazz up to the Second World War, and touches on the disparate influences which lay behind the emergence of jazz. Musical illustrations range from the blues, ragtime and the very first jazz recordings through to classics by Louis Armstrong’s Hot Five and the Duke Ellington Orchestra, and the dawn of the Swing Era.
Free to members, non-members £10 at the door (students £5).
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or visit website theartssociety.org/coventry