On Tuesday 13th February the City Council’s Cabinet is set to approve the timetable for the publication and adoption reviewed Coventry Local Plan.
At the meeting, the Cabinet is expected to approve a new Local Development Scheme. This is a document that the Government requires, which sets out the timetable for preparing local plans and other planning document.
The document mainly covers the review of the Coventry Local Plan and City Centre Area Action Plan. It follows the public consultation on the Issues and Options paper, between July and September 2023.
The timetable for the adoption of the local Plan review is as follows:
- Local Plan Advisory Panel Engagement between January and April 2024.
- Policy and Plan preparation between March and July 2024.
- Draft Local Plan to be considered by Cabinet between July and September2024.
- Consultation on the draft Local Plan between September and November 2024.
- Representation analysis and preparation for submission – November / December 2024.
- Council authority to submit plan – January 2025.
- Plan submitted for examination – February 2025.
- Examination in public – April – July 2025.
- Inspectors report / prepare report to Council – August 2025
- Adoption of the reviewed local plan between September – October 2025.
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
Supplementary Planning Documents can be produced to elaborate upon adopted Local Plan policy where it is helpful to provide more detail to help deliver the policies of the adopted Local Plan.
During the period of plan review, the Council intends to produce an update to its Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document (HIA SPD). This will be consulted during the fourth quarter of 2024 and adopted during the first quarter of 2025.
In addition, a Supplementary Planning Document jointly produced between Coventry City Council and Warwick District Council is proposed to support the continued growth and expansion of the University of Warwick. This is set out in policy DS2 of the adopted Coventry Local Plan which supports cross boundary partnership working, including the production of SPDs with growth and expansion of the University of Warwick specifically cited. This will be consulted on during the third quarter of 2024 and adopted during the final quarter of the year.