A talk by Aliki Braine to the Arts Society, Coventry
Tuesday 23rd January 2024 at 7.00 p.m. (Doors open 6.30 p.m.)
Barr’s Hill School Theatre, Radford Road, Coventry
When the new process of photography was formally introduced and demonstrated to a joint meeting of the Academie des Science and the Academie des Beaux Arts in Paris in January 1839, the history painter Delaroche is reported to have exclaimed “from today painting is dead!” Far from sounding the death knell of painting, photography in fact gave rise to a fascinaing dialogue between both art forms. This lecture charts and outlines the birth of photography in the early nineteenth century and how its invention transformed and influenced the use, purpose and aesthetic of painting.
Free to members. Non members £10 at the door (students £5).
For membership details, email [email protected] or visit website theartsociety.org/coventry