For our January 2024 meeting we have a presentation about the Sherbourne Valley Project. The meeting is open to the public and we hope that you will join us.
The Coventry Society has supported the Sherbourne Valley Project since it was a funding application to the Heritage Lottery Fund. Last year we shared a stall with them at the first ever River Festival.
In June 2022 we visited the Coundon Wedge to see the site of what is called a stage zero restoration project. This project involves putting one of the tributaries of the Sherbourne back into its original channel, removing any weirs and historical river diversions. We are looking forward to learning how this is progressing and how the brook reacted to the recent floods.
The vision of the project goes well beyond just improving the environment of the river for wildlife, but has ambitions to engage the public in the life of the river and looking after it. Unusually for a wildlife trust the project is also seeking to preserve and celebrate the built heritage of the river and engage the community with it. The project runs until 2026.
You can find out more about the project on their website.
Helen Barboutis from Warwickshire Wildlife Trust will give us an update on the project and tell us about some of the things planned for the coming year.
Join us on Thursday 11th January 2024 at 7.30 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Church Hall, Fleet Street, Coventry. Free for members. £2 for guests and non-members to include refreshments.