The Coventry Society has established a Heritage Network for the sharing of information about the city’s heritage.
The network is an email mailing list that anyone can sign up to and receive information shared by people and organisations in the city.
Members of the network will receive a weekly email from the society with information shared by members of the network.
The network will be used to share details of events, activities and news relating to the city’s history and heritage. At present there is no consistent channel for sharing this information and people have to rely on social media to find out what is happening.
Peter Walters, Chair of the Coventry Society, said “We are pleased to offer this service to the city. Coventry has a rich heritage and we want everyone to know about it and what is going on to celebrate it.
“The idea came out of our heritage conferences. We have had three now and getting the message out to interested people has been a bit hit or miss. In the future we will have a ready-made network to share this information with.
“We hope that other organisations in the city, such as the Historic Coventry Trust, the Guildhall and the Council will find the network a useful way of letting people know what is going on with the city’s heritage.”
You can join the network from this webpage – just click the “join link”. If you want to share information on the network, email it to [email protected]