Architect John Prevc will speak on the subject of “The Art of Slow” at the Coventry Society meeting in October.
John is a Coventry Kid, who was brought up in Keresley and attended Cardinal Newman school.
He is an architect, urbanist and university teacher who now works as a consultant. He has worked with some of the UK’s most extraordinary architects including Nick Grimshaw, Michael Hopkins, Norman Foster and Will Alsop.
John also helped to establish Make Architects in 2004 as an employee-owned practice. He has been involved in projects such as the British Museum, St Pancras Station Eurostar Terminal, Dresden Railway station and buildings and masterplans for Nottingham and York universities.
John has been an external examiner for both Coventry and Birmingham Schools of Architecture and has taught architecture throughout the UK and Europe. John is currently working with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), chairing competition panels and with Birmingham City University.
John will talk on the subject ‘The Art of Slow”. CovSoc members have often mentioned the idea that things are being done too quickly and that there is little time to consider things properly. The talk will address this issue from a physical environment perspective.
Join us on Thursday 12th October 2023 at 7.30 p.m.
at St. John the Baptist Church Hall, Fleet Street, Coventry, CV1 3AY.
All welcome. Free for members. £2 donation for non-members.