The Coventry Observer has reported that a bid to save Spencer Park Pavilion and give it a new lease of life for the community has received a cash boost totalling more than £184,000.
The Friends of Spencer Park has been successful in bidding for a share of the government’s community ownership fund.
The Edwardian pavilion in the Earlsdon park is decaying with the friends wanting to preserve its appearance while revamping the interior to provide a heritage meeting space, a modern cafe, and new toilets.
Plans would see the pavilion house exhibitions showcasing local heritage articles, photographs and work done by Coventry artists.
The Friends group developed the pavilion plans over the past three years and published them in February.
A public meeting March enabled people to see the plans in more detail and ask questions.
After ensuring the pavilion’s owners, Coventry City Council, had no plans for its future, The Friends got the authority to agree to its project to preserve the building and develop it into a centrepiece and community asset.
The Friends’ petition, which gained over 2,500 signatures, was used to prove public support for the plans as part of the funding application.