The City Council planning Team has taken a report to Cabinet to seek approval to publish a draft Issues and Options Paper for consultation. This is the first stage of the process of reviewing and updating the Coventry Local Plan.
The paper sets out the issues to be covered by the review and options for revision of the Local Plan. It also identifies where new evidence is required to support the possible revisions.
One of the key challenges of the review is integrating the local plan with the draft Climate Change Strategy and the One Coventry corporate plan. It will also be necessary to consider the future of the City Centre Area Action Plan. Revision of the plan will enable it to be re-written to fit in with current government policies but perhaps the biggest challenge will be the re-setting of housing targets, in the context of confused and unevidenced Government policy.
It is expected that these documents will be put out to public consultation at the end of the month and running into September.
The Coventry Society will be fully engaged in the review of the plan and we will keep you posted about our thoughts during the consultation period.