Alan Denyer writes…..
Hi all – happy new year!
Apologies it’s been a while since I’ve been in touch – can you believe this week marked 500 days since we opened the Litten Tree Building (LTB) community space in Coventry City Centre? (Aug’ 21!).
Time certainly flies – by my figures we’ve clocked up over 12000 visits since then, with 120 events and more than 600 local creative people given free display space to exhibit work (supported by 5000 volunteer hours from the team here, who keep the place open).
We’ve been keeping busy over the xmas break too, programming in lots more events and exhibitions to keep the culture buzz going in the city following City of Culture 2021, however the sad new is – unless we can agree an extension with the Council, it looks like 18th Feb will be our last public opening day for LTB, as the pub (who have been great – gifting us free use of the space) have given notice on the lease and will be handing the keys back on 19/2/23.
Despite best efforts, trading conditions have worsened significantly for them – with electricity costs and reduced footfall resulting in losses c. £15k a month.
The pub itself will be closing on 5th Feb – with the bar area being cleared out – however we’ll continue operating on the upper floors until 18/2/23, with public access via the fire exit doors (just to the left of the main pub entrance, next to the Reform Club).
We’ve written to Council Estates (they own the building) with a proposal to continue in the building after the pub lease expires, until such time as the City Centre South (CCS) redevelopment project necessitates exit. We’re offering to provide a quick makeover of the ground floor to turn it into more gallery space (this would be great – as we’d finally be able to offer disability access- and also have something really eye catching for passers-by to see, encouraging visits) – and it’d also be the perfect setting to showcase plans for the re-development.
Anyhow, whatever the outcome, we’re continuing with our 12-4 daily opening – and also packing in lots of exciting events & activity for you between now and what looks likely to be the end date (18th Feb).
There is still time to see one of Coventry’s cultural masterpieces before it closes. It is open daily from 12 – 4 p.m. Why not pop in while it is still here.
The programme for the rest of the LTB season is as follows:
ON NOW until 20/1 – top floor gallery – ‘STAINED GLASS’ exhibition.

ON NOW until 15/2 – (6.15-7.00, weekly each wednesday). yoga with iva
SAT 14TH – (6 til 10.30pm, £ free). music and video performance c/o composer richard norris + friends

TUES 17TH – over 50s dance class (10-10.45).
SAT 21ST (12-7, then dj’s – our final LTB ‘Dance Party’) + SUN 22ND (12-4) pop / art / fashion film festival – screenings c/o mono media films (£ free).

SUN 22ND (6.30-10, £ free). electronic music open mic.

WED 25TH (7.30-10.30, £ free), MINTAKAA film screening + live dj set

SAT 28TH (8-11.30, £ tbc), The Last Broadcast + World Speed Record + Dead Air
FRI 3RD (6 – 11.30, £ free). Exhibition opening + live bands.

THURS 9TH (8-11, £6). Attrition + Collosoth + Octogoth.

FRI 10TH (7- 11.30, £free). Ryan Cowley/sunshine cartel + friends.

SAT 11TH (8-11.30, £5). Batsch + Invitation to Love + Grr Argh Dj’s

MON 13TH (7.30-9.30) Coventry Society Meeting
Finally, I hope you’ll agree with me it’s been exciting having such an inspiring community space in the city centre – fingers x’d we can find a way to continue – but def hope to see you all for these last few events.
best regards
Alan Denyer
Latest: Sign a petition to save the Litten Tree