West Midlands Mayor, Andy Street, has joined the debate about whether the City Council should build on the Coundon Wedge or give preference to brownfield developments.
The Coventry Society has challenged the Council to give priority to the development of brownfield sites over the development of pristine green countryside. The recent decision of Coventry’s planning committee, against the advice of its officers, to refuse planning permission for the development of the former Abbott’s Lane Gasworks is specifically highlighted by the Mayor.
City Council officers recommended approval of the Abbott’s Lane application, stating that the proposal is acceptable in principle, will make effective and efficient use of a brownfield site and the density and housing mix proposed are acceptable in this highly sustainable location. The report also states that officers considered that the proposed layout, design and appearance of the development is considered of high-quality design and that the proposal will not adversely impact upon the amenity of neighbours. Despite this the Planning Committee refused the development.
Mayor Andy Street said “I will continue to work … to challenge both the Government projections and the City Council. With the greenbelt at stake, I will do everything I can to maximise progressing the brownfield opportunities available in Coventry. We can’t afford to miss sites like Abbott’s Lane redevelopment in Coundon, which was allocated £6.5 million by the WMCA but has still not received planning permission. Not building on that site – derelict for over a decade – while progressing plans to build on Coundon Wedge is not right”.
A City Councillor has admitted to one of our members that the development of housing on the Coundon Wedge is purely for financial reasons. The City Council owns most of the land and wants to secure planning permission for its development before the review of the local plan, which might put its development at risk.
The City Council has in the past also claimed to favour a “brownfield first” approach, but recent decisions have turned that on its head. The Coventry Society calls on the City Council to withdraw the planning application for the development of the Coundon Wedge at least until the review of the local plan is completed.