The Friends of Coventry Cathedral have launched a funding appeal to bring cartoons of three panels of the famous Hutton Screen back to Coventry.
The famous Hutton Screen is the beautiful window which connect the Old Cathedral to the new. It was designed by New Zealand artist John Hutton and comprises sixty more than life sized images of angels and saints. It took ten years to create the window.
John would initially do pencil drawings and would then re-create them at full size with white chalk on black paper. The glass for the window would be put over the chalk drawing so that the design could be seen through it. John would grind away at the glass with his own hand-made engraving tool which was made out of an old washing machine motor fitted with a flexible drive shaft.
Three of these drawings, which together form one image, have now become available in the estate of a deceased art collector.
The executors were initially hoping to raise at least £2,000 from its sale but have agreed to sell at the pre-auction price of £1500 if it can be raised by the Friends of Coventry Cathedral, as they would like the angel to wing its way to Coventry.
Cathedral Archivist, Dianne Morris, has visited the drawings in the North of England and reported back:
“They are just amazing, and I was lost for words when I first saw them. There is a triptych of images, with the image in the middle signed by John Hutton. They are white chalk on black cartridge paper and measure approximately 8’ by 3’. They are framed and glazed”.

CovSoc member and Chair of the Friends, Martin Williams, launched the appeal in his monthly newsletter. Martin said “The Hutton cartoon is an original work of art that is now offered to the Friends before it goes to auction. We have a month to raise £1800, a sum to include the cost of specialised transport to bring the cartoons back to Coventry.
“I appeal for your help. Will you please help the Hutton Angel to fly back to Coventry?”
Contributions (payable to The Friends of Coventry Cathedral) can be sent to the following address:
Hutton Angel Appeal
63 Daventry Road
Coventry CV3 5DH
Payment can also be made direct to the Friends account at
HSBC, PO BOX 24, City Branch, Coventry CV1 1QJ
Sort code 40 18 17 Account number 80360244 marking the payment “Hutton Angel”.