Coventry’s Cultural Strategy (2017-2027) is undergoing a refresh, with an additional Goal proposed called Coventry’s Green Future.
The refresh of the Strategy is being put together by Culture Change Coventry, a coalition of the cultural sector and key partners working together to maximise social and economic benefits from the cultural ecosystem in the city.
The Strategy is currently based on Five Goals – Partnership, Lifelong Learning, Diversity, Health and Wellbeing and Economic Growth. Now, following initial engagement around the refresh and a review of progress to-date, a sixth goal has been added, Coventry’s Green Future.
A Strategy refresh engagement document has been created, reflecting progress under the strategy to-date, the City of Culture Trust’s legacy planning, an initial sector consultation day held in September 2021 and the response from ‘Art for the People – the Citizens Assembly’ organised by Talking Birds.
Call to action:
We are now seeking views from city partners (cultural, business and public sectors) and Coventry residents of all backgrounds.
It is only by sharing your voice that the refreshed Strategy can truly reflect the city’s cultural goals for the next five years and contribute to priority outcomes going forward. By getting involved, you can help to shape the city’s cultural plans and ensure that the Strategy reflects the priorities.
Next steps:
Please read the Strategy refresh engagement document found here and fill in the online digital survey found here. The survey closes on 22 April 2022.
Culture Change Coventry is committed to feeding back the results of this engagement in the final Strategy refresh. Thank you for your input and we look forward to hearing your voice.
Dr Geoff Willcocks BA, PhD, FRSA
Director of Arts, Culture and Heritage