In November the City Council launched a consultation on three news Supplementary Planning Documents (known colloqually as SPDs). Although the consultation period has now ended, you can still see the draft documents on the Planning Consultation pages of the Council website.
This is the Coventry Society response to the consultation on the draft Energy SPD.

Thank you for consulting us on this Supplementary Planning Document.
In our view the policy associated with this SPD is particularly weak, requiring nothing more than compliance with the Building Regs “as a minimum”. As developments are required to meet the Building Regs anyway, it is clear that the policy lacks ambition.
Having said that, the Society feels that the SPD makes a positive contribution to the aim of creating sustainable development in the city. The SPD sets out the requirement for meeting both the requirements of the policy but also, perhaps more importantly, other legislation and Government policy and it includes a very comprehensive description of current standards, certifications etc.
The Society welcomes and supports this draft Supplementary Planning Document.
Coventry Society January 2022
The Coventry Society is dedicating its March meeting to climate change and energy. We hope that you will be able to join us on Monday 14th March.