The Council has successfully appointed two new members of staff to help private landlords to meet the requirements of national energy efficiency standards.
The Council made a successful bid from the Government for grant funding of the new posts earlier this year.
As of April 2020, landlords in England and Wales should ensure that privately rented properties reach a minimum of band Energy Performance Certificate band E.
Following the appointment of two posts – a Council enforcement intelligence officer and housing enforcement officer – it means that properties failing to meet energy efficiency standards will be under more scrutiny, and action will be taken were necessary.
The types of properties that will be checked were recently highlighted in Bablake Ward where there is a high number of properties with low levels of energy efficiency, resulting in higher costs for tenants and a higher environmental impact.
A property in band F or G may only have single glazing windows or electric-only heating.
The two new officers will work with landlords whose housing fails to meet the criteria, helping to advise on ways of increasing energy efficiency, which could be things like installing double glazing instead of single, insulating walls or even using things like draught excluders.
If the advice is ignored, then enforcement action would be the next step.
Councillor David Welsh, Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities, said: “This is positive for people who privately rent, particularly in Bablake Ward, because it means tenants get a higher standard of energy efficiency.
“This should then result in lower bills and warmer housing, and we will enforce if landlords fail to meet this criteria.
“Lower energy bills for tenants is absolutely vital, but especially now when we’re discussing ways of lessening our environmental impact. Houses that don’t need to be heated as often use less energy, and less energy being used, and warmer homes, is a win-win for everyone.
“I’d like to encourage anyone in the city who thinks a property may not fit the criteria to get in touch with us so we can see if we can give any support.”
Please report any concerns about poor energy efficiency in rented properties via our online reporting form, calling 02476 975 495 or emailing [email protected]
For more information on the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards, please go to www.coventry.gov.uk/mees.