The Coventry Observer has reported that there will be mistletoe, mulled wine and marshmallows when a Christmas Market comes to Coventry City Centre later this month.
Thanks to the Coventry BID the area in Broadgate will be transformed into a winter wonderland with cabins packed with festive food, drink and gifts from November 25 to Christmas Eve.
Star-themed lights will add to the atmosphere and the traders will complement those who already reside in Hertford Street.
Some cabins are also being offered to local traders and craft businesses which will be able to showcase their wares to Christmas shoppers heading to Coventry.
The cabins, which proved a hit in the city in 2019, will provide the perfect addition to the Coventry Glides ice rink in the Cathedral ruins.
They will add to a festive feel across the city centre with Coventry BID partnering with Coventry City Council to deliver fantastic lighting across the main streets and areas.
The BID is lighting up key areas including Cathedral Lanes, Upper Precinct, Smithford Way and Market Way, with the council funding a glittery canopy of star-themed lights in Broadgate and lights in other city centre streets.
Trish Willetts, BID Director, said: “We are delighted to be bringing the festive cabins back to Coventry this Christmas.
“It’s no secret that it’s been a difficult time for retailers in the city so we’re throwing everything at this Golden Quarter to bring people to Coventry for their Christmas shopping and festive fun.
“The cabins will not only provide people with lovely festive food and drink but will be showcasing some of our local makers and producers who will be taking up residence in some of them for a week at a time.
“Everything we do is aimed to make Coventry as appealing as possible for shoppers and visitors from across the region so they come in their droves to shop, celebrate and spend in our wonderful businesses.”