Two weeks ago, we reported on the consultation being carried out on the City Council’s proposal to build 350 houses on the Coundon Wedge. Below is the response to the consultation submitted by the Coventry Society:
“The Coventry Society objects to the proposed development on the Coundon Wedge. We recognize that the site is identified for housing in the Coventry Local Plan but as the site is owned by the Council it is not obligatory that it is developed and the development proposal could be withdrawn or delayed until a later year. Our comments are as follows:
- The Coventry Local Plan is due to be reviewed in 2022. There is considerable doubt about the population projections for the city and recently some questions have been raised about the transport modelling. It is therefore untimely in the extreme to be putting this site forward for development now.
- There is no shortage of building land in the North West of the city. The local plan makes provision for the development of 5500 houses in Keresley and Eastern Green and planning permissions have already been granted for some of this development with larger numbers than stated in the local plan. There is therefore no pressing need to build on the Coundon Wedge at this time.
- The city already has a significant number of Brown Field sites that should be developed before taking pristine agricultural land for development. There is already a five-year building land supply in the city and therefore the development of this precious site at this time is not necessary or appropriate.
- The Coundon Wedge is precious, important and significant to the residents of the NW of the city and in the city as a whole. We were not happy that the land was taken out of the Green Belt to enable the extension of Jaguar, but we understood the importance of that company for the city’s economy – it was a special case. However, developing that land for housing, especially when so much other land is available, does not have the same justification. In our opinion the Local Plan was at fault in allocating the land for development. The Jaguar reservation should not have been seen as a precedent for development.
- The land in question is attractive Arden landscape with considerable ecological value. The City Council is prominent in the development of strategy to address climate change. Foregoing the development of this site would be a demonstration of that commitment.
- The development of this site will bring the Council into disrepute and damage its reputation for integrity and environmental care.”
If you share our concern for the Coundon Wedge we hope that you will make your own comments on the proposals. The consultation is open until until Sunday 10th October. You can access the online consultation and make online comments at:
There is more information that can be downloaded from: