The City Council is consulting people in the city on an updated Statement of Public Involvement (SCI). This document is a legal requirement and sets out the ways that the Council will consult the public on planning applications and plan making.
Cllr David Welsh, Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities, is leading on this consultation.
Cllr Welsh said: “Many people often think that the town planning process is all about planning applications or objecting to development, but it is about much more than that.
“Communities can shape proposals for their areas right at the start of plan preparation by telling us what works well, and how their community can be improved. However, we need to make sure that everyone has a chance to make their views known.
He added: “I can’t emphasise strongly enough, that the planning process is for every single one of us and everyone has a right to be heard. The document is a draft at the moment so we want people to take a look and see if we’ve got it right, or if there are things we could do to improve it.”
The Coventry Society is currently considering its response to the consultation and we will publish our comments later in the month. Our initial view is that the document lacks ambition.
Follow this link to view the draft document and find out how to respond via a short survey.
The deadline for comments is Monday 29 March 2021.