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Where in Coventry is this?

No this is not another lock-down quiz! This is an actual picture of progress with the regeneration scheme for Burges and Hales Street.


Despite the Coronavirus lock-down, some good progress has been made with the project to transform the Burges and Hales Street. Historic Coventry Trust’s Executive Director Carol Pyrah said:

“Before lock-down we managed to get a really good start to the construction works on Hales Street, and both contractors are still progressing with those works that can be done within appropriate social distancing rules and where supply chains allow – so elements like paint removal from the walls, roofing, and manufacture of new shopfronts in the workshop is happening now.

“Attached are some pictures of the new roofs on 3-9 Hales Street, samples of paint removal on 24 Burges, and the smart new shopfront for 24/25 Burges under construction. If you haven’t been down there recently the full site is scaffolded (alarmed and monitored by CCTV). We’re keen to keep going as much as we can so that there is something really good to ‘unveil’ once everyone goes back to town.”