The next meeting of the Coventry Society is to be held on:
Monday 9th September 2019 at 7.30 p.m.
The will be a talk by Ben Flippance of IDP Architects
Ben will share his ‘Thoughts on the influence of Autonomous Vehicles on City space and Community function’. This will focus on some key opportunities for public realm, and strategies for community retention.
Ben Flippance is the Design Director of IDP Architects based in their Coventry Office, and part time design panel member and competition judge and has a strong academic relationship with Coventry University School of Architecture. Ben specialises in urban design, masterplanning and architecture of large communities and works nationwide for land owners, developers and government agencies from strategic planning level to construction.
In addition to Ben’s talk, there will be a vote on Coventry’s Favourite Conservation Area and CovSoc committee member and local historian Peter Walters will be selling signed copies of his latest book “The Little History of Coventry”. The book is normally retailed at £12 but there will be a reduced price of £10 for people attending the meeting.
The meeting will be held at the Shopfront Theatre, City Arcade. All Welcome; free for members, £2 donation for guests and visitors.